amx_banip d Oyuncunun Servere girisini engeller
amx_banmenu d ban menusunu gosterir
amx_cancelvote j son oylamayi iptal eder
amx_cfg h Sunucudaki cfgyi aktif eder
amx_cfgmenu u Cfg Menusunu Gosterir[Maclar icin]
amx_cflicksay i tum oyuncualra gonderilen ve ekranin ortasinda yanip sonen mesaj
amx_cflicksayy i tum oyuncualra gonderilen ve ekranin ortasinda yanip sonen mesaj - adsiz
amx_cfxsay i tum oyunculara gonderilen ve ekranin ortasinda duran fx mesaj
amx_cfxsayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen ve ekranin ortasinda duran fx mesaj - adsiz
amx_chat i adminlere gonderilen mesaj
amx_clcmdmenu m oyuncu komutlari menusunu gosterir
amx_cmdmenu u komut menusunu gosterir
amx_csay i tum oyunculara gonderilen ekranin ortasinda duran mesaj
amx_csayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen ekranin ortasinda duran mesaj - adsiz
amx_cvarmenu g cvar menusunu goruntuler
amx_extendmap g harita suresini uzat
amx_ff g Friendly Fire aktifl/devre disi
amx_flicksay i tum oyunculara gonderilen yanip sonen mesaj
amx_flicksayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen yanip sonen mesaj - adsiz
amx_fxsay i tum oyunculara gonderilen fx mesaji
amx_fxsayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen fx mesaji - adsiz
amx_help Yardimi gosterir
amx_kick c Oyuncuyu disari atar.
amx_kickmenu c atma menusunu gosterir
amx_langmenu dil menusunu gosterir
amx_map f haritayi degistirir
amx_mapmenu f harita degistirme menusunu gosterir
amx_name e
amx_pause g oyunu baslatir veya duraklatir
amx_pausecfg h duraklatma/devam ettirme yonetimi icin komut listesini goruntuler
amx_pausecfgmenu h menuyle eklentileri duraklat/devam ettir
amx_plugcmdmenu u [dosyaadi.amx / eklenti adi] - eklenti komutlari menusunu goruntuler
amx_plugcvarmenu g [dosyaadi.amx / eklenti adi] - cvar eklentileri menusunu goruntuler
amx_psay i gonderilen ozel mesaj
amx_psayy i gonderilen ozel mesaj - adsiz
amx_rcon l Serverin konsoluna komut yollar.Kullanmamayi tercih edin.
amx_restmenu h silah yasaklama menusunu gosterir
amx_restrict h silah yasaklama icin yardym gosterir
amx_say i tum oyunculara gonderilen mesaj
amx_sayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen mesaj - adsiz
amx_scrollsay i tum oyunculara gonderilen kayan mesaj
amx_scrollsayy i tum oyunculara gonderilen kayan mesaj - adsiz
amx_showip d oyuncularin iplerini goruntuler
amx_slap e oyuncu tokatlar
amx_slapmenu e tokatla/oldur menusunu gosterir
amx_slay e Oyuncuyu Öldürür
amx_speechmenu u Konusma Menusunu gosterir
amx_statscfg h yardim icin istatislik bicimini gosterir
amx_statscfgmenu h -istatislik bicim menusunu gosterir
amx_teammenu m takim menusunu gosterir
amx_tsay i sol tarafta cikan ve tum oyunculara gonderilen mesaj
amx_tsayy i sol tarafta cikan ve tum oyunculara gonderilen mesaj - adsiz
amx_vote j
amx_votemap j harita> [harita] [harita] [harita] Harita oylar
amx_votemapmenu j oylanacak haritalarin menusunu gosterir
amx_who serverdekileri gosterir
amxmodmenu u menuleri gosterir
; a - (ADMIN_IMMUNITY) - Complete immunity.
; b - (ADMIN_RESERVATION) - Slot reservation.
; c - (ADMIN_KICK) - Kicking.
; amx_kick, amx_kickmenu
; d - (ADMIN_BAN) - Banning, not unbanning - for mainstream admins.
; amx_ban, amx_banip, amx_banmenu
; e - (ADMIN_SLAY) - Various standard punishments and team-transfers menu. Abuseable.
; amx_slay, amx_slap, amx_slapmenu, amx_teammenu
; f - (ADMIN_MAP) - Direct map change commands.
; amx_map, amx_mapmenu
; g - (ADMIN_CVAR) - Various exploitable operator commands and settings, doesn't include amx_cvar itself.
; amx_plugincvarmenu ([pluginmenu.amxx]), amx_plugincmdmenu ([pluginmenu.amxx]), amx_off (pauses almost all plugins), amx_on (opposite to amx_off), amx_pausecfg (pauses and unpauses plugins), amx_pausecfgmenu (pauses and unpauses plugins), amx_cfg (executes a .cfg file on the server), amx_statscfg (displays help for stats configuration), amx_statscfgmenu (configures on-screen stats and event sounds), amx_statsx_mode (set options), amx_reloadadmins, amx_setlang, amx_langmenu, amx_restrict (displays help for weapon restriction), amx_restmenu (restrict weapons), amx_pause (pauses game), [amx_super.amxx: amx_alltalk, amx_hpk (configures high ping kicker)], amx_reloadresponses ([auto_responder0.3.amxx])
; h - (ADMIN_CFG) - Safe server configuration (unexploitable).
; amx_cvarmenu (predefined safe cvars), amx_cfgmenu
; i - (ADMIN_CHAT) - Extra chat commands. Bug: needed for Server commands menu! Abuseable.
; amx_speechmenu (predefined voice phrazes (grunt)), say @ (colored hud message), amx_tsay (colored hud message), amx_csay (colored center-hud message)
; j - (ADMIN_VOTE) - Vote kick and vote ban commands for entry-level admins.
; amx_votekick, amx_voteban
; k - (ADMIN_PASSWORD) - Server password related commands.
; sv_password by amx_cvar (exception), [amx_super.amxx: amx_pass (sets server password), amx_nopass (clears server password)]
; l - (ADMIN_RCON) - Very exploitable commands, recommended for main operator only.
; amx_rcon (sends a rcon command to server console), amx_showrcon (same as amx_rcon, but displays feedback), amx_addadmin, amx_removeadmin ([remove_admins.amxx]), amx_cvar (allows to change almost any server cvar manually), [irc.amxx], [amx_super.amxx: amx_exec (executes on all/specific team clients), amx_shutdown (server shutdown)], amx_banshot (bans with screenshot to send on client [amx_banshot.amxx])
; m - (ADMIN_LEVEL_A) - currently unused (reserved)
; n - (ADMIN_LEVEL_B) - Not proper fun commands - abuseable.
; amx_teleportmenu, [amx_super.amxx: amx_armor, amx_godmode, amx_godall, amx_noclip, amx_teleport, amx_useorigin (get coordinations), amx_givemoney, amx_takemoney, amx_gravity, amx_weapon, amx_weapons, amx_ammo (infinite ammo), amx_unammo]
; o - (ADMIN_LEVEL_C) - Light (and sometimes necessary) fun commands.
; amx_addmetk (lets you punish yourself [atac.]), [amx_super.amxx: amx_gag, amx_ungag, amx_unbury]
; p - (ADMIN_LEVEL_D) - Medium fun commands. Abuseable.
; amx_challenge (start knife duel [automatic_knife_duel.amxx]), [amx_super.amxx: amx_glow, amx_unglow, amx_bury, amx_disarm, amx_uberslap, amx_slay2 (alternative "methods" of slaying), amx_rocket, amx_llama (alternative gag), amx_unllama]
; q - (ADMIN_LEVEL_E) - Heavy fun commands. Highly abuseable.
; [amx_super.amxx: amx_stack, amx_fire (ignites other people), amx_revive], [amx_ejl_nukem.amxx: amx_nukem, amx_nukem_jk (fake NUKE)], [amx_idiot: amx_idiot, amx_unidiot]
; r - (ADMIN_LEVEL_F) - Vote commands (vote, votemap).
; amx_vote, amx_votemap, amx_votemapmenu
; s - (ADMIN_LEVEL_G) - Client commands menu.
; amx_nick, amx_clcmdmenu
; t - (ADMIN_LEVEL_H) - Server commands for operators.
; amx_leave (kicks all except defined tags or teams within this command), amx_quit (quits all [amx_super.amxx]), amx_addban (bans only previously disconnected clients without immunity), amx_unban, amx_cmdmenu (server commands menu), amx_cancelvote
; u - (ADMIN_MENU) - Provides access to main amx_menu. For menu items themselves, additional flags are required.
; amx_menu, amxmodmenu
; y - (ADMIN_ADMIN) - Displays a user as a admin, even if it hasn't got any administrative commands available. Plus some spectative tools and administrative chat commands.
; amx_plugins (only displays running plugins), amx_modules (only displays running modules), amx_who (displays all users' flags, addresses, ids), amx_last (displays last few disconnected clients info), amx_status (displays html info [amx_super.amxx]), amx_say (message to all players), amx_chat (message to other admins), amx_psay (private chat message), amx_spectate (allows to spectate without being shown as spectator [invisible_spectator.amxx]), showexc (shows AntiCommerce Exceptions [anticommerce.amxx])
; z - (ADMIN_USER) - Displays a user as a player, not an admin even if it has administrative commands available.
; 0 - (ADMIN_ALL) - Everyone-can-use commands. "0" is not to be treated as a flag symbol.
; amx_langmenu, amx_help, say_team @ (message to admins)